Instant Moisturizer created for the Airline Industry

Raahj Instant Moisturizer Spray™ was created for the Aviation Industry, Pilots, Flight Attendants, and those who fly often.

Raahj Instant Moisturizer Spray™ works fast with no mess, fuss, grease, or lingering residues. Just spray and go! A convenient application for those who want moisture-rich, youthful-looking skin using our fast and easy spray.


  • At higher elevations, the air is rarified in the mountains and aircraft – thinner and drier – because of lower atmospheric pressure and adiabatic (without loss or gain of heat) cooling. These factors cause the air to hold less moisture, resulting in drier conditions than lower elevations.

  • Airplanes mainly have dry cabin air because they use “bleed air.” They pull air from the engines, which they use to fill and pressurize the cabins. Bleed air is naturally dry. It contains very little moisture, resulting in low relative humidity.

  • The typical aircraft cabin is exceptionally dry and dehydrating. At around 12 percent humidity, it is drier than most deserts—a by-product of cruising at high altitudes, where moisture content is between low and nonexistent.

  • Skin becomes moisture-deprived when frequently exposed to low humidity levels, causing skin to appear dry, flaky, and chapped. When skin lacks moisture, wrinkles, fine lines, and dark spots are more visible. Dry skin also appears less supple and elastic, which may cause you to look older and unhealthy. That is not a good look for those in the Aviation business or anyone in general.

Raahj Instant Moisturizer Spray™ works where other products don’t because we use special water and hydrating compounds to hydrate the skin more efficiently due to our unique structural formula.

Our special structured water and formula work at altitudes where others do not work. Raahj Instant Moisturizer Spray™ is designed for the aircraft industry; it is easy, fast, and especially hydrating at altitude or ground level.

It works because our formula contains unique properties and substances that enrich, hydrate, and penetrate the skin; no other product has our synergistic ingredients or technology.